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Around Town – Jessica Hays

View the original publication at the Sarasota Scene

April 2, 2024 – Sarasota


Jessica Hays is known around our town as an inspirational leader and a champion for victims of domestic and sexual violence.

As President and CEO of Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center (SPARCC), she has successfully led the only state certified center that provides vital services to victims in Sarasota and DeSoto counties.  SPARCC serves as a haven to promote empowerment, awareness, and social change to end domestic and sexual violence.

She works tirelessly to inspire others to be the best they can be and strives to help others realize their potential and value, while learning to love and respect themselves—all powerful ways to enable their path forward and help form a better community.

Jessica graciously agreed to answer our questions about this sensitive topic and tell us what we need to know and ways we can help.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and our town is not immune from violence or sexual assault. Please educate us on our local stats on sexual assault and please tell us how SPARCC helps raise visibility about domestic and sexual violence within Sarasota and DeSoto counties.

Sexual assault is far more prevalent than most realize, partly due to the fact that is often goes un-reported with as few as 20% estimated to be reported by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Statistics from the CDC also state that approximately 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of sexual violence in their lifetime.

SPARCC works to address this issue through a variety of programs and services that focus on both intervention, helping those who are in crisis or those who have experienced the trauma of abuse, and also through prevention strategies to create awareness that will lead to social change.

Unfortunately, sexual violence is quite prevalent, and it impacts many people in the community on different levels. What practical things can you tell us on how we can become agents of change to help others recognize and prevent sexual assault?

JH ANSWER: While it’s disheartening to acknowledge the prevalence of sexual violence, change often begins at the community level. There are practical things we can all do to create a safer and more supportive environment. It starts with supporting survivors. When someone shares their experience, it’s important to believe and support them without judgement. Providing a supportive and non-blaming environment is not only crucial for survivors, but also in breaking the silence that often accompanies this difficult topic. Silence perpetuates these issues, and when we speak out we can make people feel less alone, offer support and challenge harmful beliefs and behaviors that contribute to a culture of sexual violence. If you hear or witness inappropriate comments or behaviors, don’t hesitate to speak up and address them. Sometimes, a simple conversation can have a significant impact.

Once someone comes to SPARCC for help, what can they expect?

When someone comes to SPARCC, they can expect a supportive and confidential environment where trained professionals are available to assist them through the healing process. Our services are tailored to meet the individual needs and choices of survivors. SPARCC’s advocates and attorneys are committed to providing compassionate, survivor-centered care and empowering individuals on their journey toward healing. They can also expect to encounter our caring, compassionate team. The staff at SPARCC are my heroes, they come to this work with their whole hearts and I think it shows in the work they do and how they interact with our survivors and supporters. 

What are some other local agencies or organizations that are important partners to the services provided by SPARCC?

We are so fortunate to have many incredible partners. With it being sexual assault awareness month, I will focus on those we partner closely with through the Sexual Assault Response Team. This team brings together professionals from various fields to enhance the coordinated response to sexual assault cases, provides comprehensive support to survivors and works towards the prevention of sexual violence. Key partners include law enforcement, the State Attorney’s Office, Sarasota Memorial Hospital, The Child Protection Center, and other community based agencies.

Fundraisers are a great way to engage the community, introduce new people to SPARCC, and raise awareness for its mission.  Please tell our readers about your important fundraisers.

SPARCC has several fundraisers throughout the year, we are fortunate to have wonderful supporters who continue to build support for our mission. Our large fundraising events consist of an annual Gala (save the date, this year’s gala will be held on November 16 at Selby Gardens and is always a sold-out event) and a Fashion Show in March, which is planned by the SPARCC Auxiliary. Additionally, the Auxiliary hosts two annual golf tournaments, in January and April. These events are crucial in raising funds that support SPARCC’s free and confidential services.   

For those new to our community, SPARCC Treasure Chest is a great way to help the organization.  Please tell us more.

SPARCC’s resale store, The Treasure Chest, is an incredible asset to the organization.  Located downtown on Fruitville Road, the store offers high-quality, new and gently used clothing (men’s and women’s) and accessories, as well as furniture, rugs, linens, and household items. One hundred percent of The Treasure Chest’s net proceeds support SPARCC’s life-transforming programs and services.

By shopping at and/or donating to The Treasure Chest, our community can directly support SPARCC’s programs and services while providing program participants with items needed to rebuild their lives. Additionally, survivors of domestic and sexual violence receiving services from SPARCC receive items from the store at no cost.

SPARCC’s work is vital to a survivor’s healing and renewal. For its impact and success, it relies heavily on the generosity of its donors and volunteers. Please tell our readers how they can donate and about the volunteer opportunities and the volunteer process required.

SPARCC’s impact on a survivor’s healing and renewal is significant, relying greatly on the kindness of donors and volunteers. If you’re interested in supporting our cause, there are various ways you can contribute. Monetary donations play a crucial role in sustaining our life-saving programs and services. Additionally, volunteering offers a unique opportunity to make a difference. We offer diverse roles catering to different interests and skills, including direct service, fundraising, working with the Treasure Chest, and assisting the Auxiliary. Whether you’re an individual, student, or part of a community group, you can contribute by collecting essential items like paper products, hygiene items, and diapers. Another way to support is by donating to or shopping at our resale store. Your support in any form is invaluable to us, helping us continue our mission to support survivors.

What are some other local organizations that hold a special place in your heart?

The Junior League of Sarasota will always be special to me, because it’s where I first got involved with the community on a greater scale and where I first became acquainted with SPARCC.  The Junior League is where I met my mentor and SPARCC’s former CEO, Olivia Thomas. Her mentorship and the experience I gained while serving as the President of Junior League in 2013 ultimately helped prepare me the role I have today. Additionally, my daughters and I are members of a fairly new organization here in Sarasota called National Charity League. This has been special to me because it allows me to spend time with my daughters, while also volunteering with many of our local nonprofits. Voluntarism is a core value for me and its fun to share it with people I love.

When you are not at SPARCC, what are some other things Jessica Hays likes to do?

With such heavy topics surrounding me all of the time at work, spending time with the people I love (friends and family) is both grounding and re-energizing. I also love traveling, reading, enjoying the sunshine. My husband and I have two teenage daughter and we spend time with them whenever we have the opportunity.


If you would like to learn more about how you can help SPARCC, please visit or call 941.365.0208.


SPARCC - Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center, Inc. logo

Volunteer Application



At this time, the Hospital Advocacy Team is the only advocacy volunteer opportunity available.

Hospital Advocacy Team
(Includes hospitals in Sarasota, Venice, Englewood and Northport)

Please mail your application to 2139 Main Street, Sarasota, FL 34237